When and how to clean the Black Berkey® elements?

Black Berkey ® elements do not necessarily need to be cleaned each time we clean their Berkey ® system. However, this may vary depending on your region and your water source. In some areas, water is much dirty than normal and will require more frequent cleaning of elements; Perhaps even more than what is required for cleaning the rest of the system.

If the water you use is troubled or contains sediments, we advise you to pre-filter your water by passing it through a type of fabric, for example: shirt, sheet, bandana, etc. Before putting it in your Berkey ® system. Although this is not necessary, this reduces the element cleaning program by collecting debris likely to obstruct the pores of your Black Berkey ® elements.

When is it time to clean your Black Berkey ® Elements?

Cleaning the elements should be carried out when you see a drastic slowdown in your flow.
You can consider cleaning your elements consistently. For example, every 6 months. The advantage is that you will not encounter slow flow. The cleaning of the elements according to a regular schedule is at your discretion. This is a suggestion, not a requirement.
How to clean your Black Berkey ® Elements?

First, empty and dismantle the black Berkey ® elements of the upper room.
Gently rub the elements with a hard brush or a Scotch-Brite ® stamp under current cold water (never apply soap or other cleaning agents on your black Berkey ® elements).
Research the elements and reinstall them in your Berkey ® system.
Finally, fill out your Berkey ® system and perform a red food color test as described in the system instructions (see link below) to make sure your system has been properly assembled and that there is no leaks internal in your system.

If you are currently using a water softening system:
We strongly recommend that you get pre-adoucia water directly at the source rather than pouring softened water through your Black Berkey ® elements.

Any other cleaning method carried out outside the manufacturer's recommendations or instructions may cause the customer's warranty, in accordance with our warranty information, especially the following:
Try to clean or restore black Berkey ® elements using chemicals or detergents (that is to say: hydrogen peroxide, bleach, etc.), or any other method and priming elements with water.

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