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Coldstream FTO Plus X 8 - For Fontaine Berkefeld and Berkey, Monderma

Coldstream FTO Plus X 8 - For Fontaine Berkefeld and Berkey, Monderma

Regular price €279,00 EUR
Regular price €312,00 EUR Sale price €279,00 EUR
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This filter is suitable for stainless steel gravity systems and is compatible with gravity boxes, British Berkefeld and Berkey. It can replace the superstétérasyl ATC filter. It will not be suitable for running systems of running water (under counter). The Coldstream FTO Plus ceramic water filter is made up of two key components. Our external ceramic and unique ceramic layer, which provides protection against bacteria and eliminates PFAS, particles and microplastics. The interior consists of our black granulated carbon support. This filter protects against fluoride, heavy metals, chemicals and much more. Install an FTO Plus filter in your Gravity system to guarantee safer and healthy drinking water with good taste. Ideal for use at home, in gymnasiums and spas, in units out of network and also used in the field and by international humanitarian organizations.

ColdStream logo indicator unwanted elements

99.9 % elimination particles of class 1 of particle reduction, including microplastics.
Bacteria 99.9999 % elimination of bacteria and cysts* like E. Coli, Shigella, Cryptosporidium and Giardia.
Chemicals 99.9 % elimination of volatile organic chemicals*, nitrates, nitrites, chlorine and chloramine.
Heavy metals 99.9 % elimination of heavy metals, including lead and mercury. For the elimination of arsenic *, see the technical performance sheet.
Pesticides and herbicides 99.9 % elimination of pesticides and herbicides, including DDT.
Drugs 99.9% elimination of pharmaceutical products.
Fluor: 99.9% elimination

See the analyzes of the FTO Plus filter 

The Coldstream FTO+ filter is made in the United Kingdom.

  • For drinking water with a delicious taste
  • Maximum anti bacterial protection
  • Does not require priming.
  • Can be cleaned using an abrasive sponge and cold water.
  • Healthy salts and electrolytes remain in the water
  • Includes the elimination of fluoride, PFAS and microplastics
  • Compatible with Berkey and British Berkefeld gravity systems
  • No required power supply
  • The average lifespan of the filter is 1500L or 6 months

Filter information

Filter information

Characteristic Value
Weight for 1 filter 0.528 kg
Dimensions 1 filter H23CM ceramics, diam 7cm (base 7.3cm), thread: h32mn, diam 12mn
Flow for 1 filter 1 liter/h
Filtration capacity 1 filter: 1500 liters or 6 months
Cost / liter price 0.02 cts
Compatible with British Berkefeld - Berkey
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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Christine Perchappe
Bon filtre

Achetés pour remplacer les cartouches de mon berkey que je ne trouve plus. Je n'ai pas trouvé de différence de filtration. Aucun problème pour la commande. Expédition trés rapide. Site sérieux

Merci pour votre commentaire positif sur notre produit ! Nous sommes heureux d'entendre que vous avez trouvé nos cartouches de filtration pour votre berkey satisfaisantes. Nous travaillons dur pour offrir des produits de qualité et un service rapide à nos clients. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit d'autre. Merci encore pour votre confiance en notre site !
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Merci pour votre avis positif ! Nous sommes ravis que vous ayez apprécié notre produit Coldstream FTO+. Nous espérons continuer à vous satisfaire avec nos filtres de haute qualité et compatibles avec les systèmes Berkefeld et Berkey pendant les 24 prochains mois. Merci encore pour votre confiance et votre soutien. À bientôt !